Thames Valley

The branch meets on the third Thursday of every month except August and December from 7.30pm until 10.00pm at:

Theale Green School, Church Street, Theale, RG7 5DA

2023 Programme

The branch programme comprises a mix of members’ presentations, guest speakers and Show and Tell events.

Additionally, the branch organises trips to museums and other venues of military and numismatic interest, and also a Christmas social.

Our programme of speakers and topics for 2023 are shown below:
Date Speaker Subject
19th January Members’ choice Show and Tell
16th February Arthur Satterley Women’s Royal Navy Service
16th March Maj Gen (ret) Chip Chapman ‘2 Para in the Falkland War’
20th April Andrew Mann “An Evening of Naval Medals”
18th May All to share “none standard” sources of research?
15th June Arthur Satterley Fake MCs – Bring in your MC groups!
TBC All The Army Flying Museum Hampshire (branch visit)
20th July Wayne Ratcliffe 10th/15th Battalion Bucks Hussars QSA’s
17th August All Social at The Spring Inn, Sulhamstead, from 7.00pm
21st September Stuart Hadaway 3/Egypt WW1 (agreed to return)
19th October Jon Toohey 1910 Union of South African medal
16th November Christopher Mellor-Hill subject TBA
21st December All Social in Reading town

For more information please contact the Branch Secretary

Peter Weedon
Tel : 07974 313888
Email :