Our Society exists to promote a general interest in the study of orders, decorations and medals and to actively encourage and publish research into all aspects of civil and military medals, with a particular focus on those issued by Great Britain and the Commonwealth countries.
Members’ interests range from awards for gallantry in battle, or bravery in saving life, through forgotten wars and far-flung campaigns, to long and meritorious public service away from the limelight. Research interests stretch from pure numismatics, through the military or social history surrounding the circumstances of awards, to the genealogy of the medal recipient.

- The Highland Society of London Medal for Alexandria: some context
- He served his King and his God: Major Arthur Chichester Crookshank, RFA
- Colonial Police Medal for Meritorious Service: Fire brigades awards
- A veteran of three wars
- Adam Gibson, 78th Highlanders
- Midshipman Roberts: an Abyssinian veteran
- A case study of brooched medals
- Reunite with a sad ending
- John Mahoney of the 47th Foot: Army of India Medal 1799-1826 with clasp for ‘Ava’
- The New South Wales Fire Brigades Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
- Colin Sinclair Lyon, twice a citizen