About us


The OMRS is a UK-based society with a global membership dedicated to the research and collecting of orders, decorations and medals, in memory and honour of the original recipients. Where possible the Society publishes the results of individual research either in article or book format and puts researchers and collectors in touch with each other. We are a ‘members only’ society administered and run by elected volunteers from within the membership. A constitution and by-laws ensure that the society runs smoothly and for the benefit of all members.

The aims of the OMRS are :

  1. To promote and foster a general interest in the study of orders, decorations and medals and all matters related thereto.
  2. To assist members in their research.
  3. To publish such information, particularly the results of individual research, as may be practicable.
  4. To do all such lawful things as, in the opinion of the Committee, shall further the objectives of the Society.

Anyone with a keen interest in the research and collecting of orders and medals can apply for membership of the society and new members are warmly welcomed.

Membership Benefits

Journal of the OMRS

The Journal is a quarterly publication, is sent to all members. Each issue of the Journal contains over 70 full colour pages with articles on all aspects of medals, orders and decorations, a member’s wants section and Society news and notices. Back issues of the Journal are available to members at a discounted rate.

To download a sample Journal, click here.

On-line Research Library

Members have access to our on-line research library which contains searchable back issues of the Society’s Journal going back to 1973, and also a growing number of medal rolls.

Annual Convention

The Society holds an annual convention where OMRS members and the general public can meet to share information, tips and history as well as discussing items in their personal collections. The convention aims to offer various exhibits dealing with research into advancing the study of orders and medals, whether a single or group of medals, medals to a specific regiment or unit, to compliment a family story or even just a solitary medal ribbon. Ample displays always attract a lot of attention from the attendees and provide a focal point for discussion, learning and advancement of the collective knowledge of these important and tangible symbols of national heritage. In addition to the displays a series of lectures are available to those wishing to attend covering orders, medals and research related themes and are always well attended.

Local Branches

The OMRS has numerous branches located around the UK and overseas. OMRS members and the general public can attend local branch meetings, typically held monthly or bi-monthly, where discussions and presentations are held to share research findings, expertise and enthusiasm for orders and medals. Check the Local Branch page to see where your nearest branch is located.

Other Conventions

From time to time, other conventions are held in the UK and abroad and the OMRS website carries full details of these as they are announced. Other benefits include:

  • discounts on the Society’s books
  • access to the Society’s Ribbon Bank
  • access to like minded individuals
  • sharing of research data, resources and ideas

If you are interested in membership, visit Join the OMRS.

A short history of the OMRS

1942 The ‘Orders, Decorations and Medals Research Society of Great Britain’ was formed by four enthusiasts who had been meeting informally since 1939
1943 Typewritten ‘Circular’ produced for all members
1949 Started meeting at the Imperial War Museum, London
1950 123 members
1958 ‘Circular’ renamed ‘Journal’ and the Society’s title was shortened at the same time, to that which we have to this day
1967 OMRS Silver Jubilee and a membership of 350
1971 500 members & the establishment of the first branch, the Northern Branch
1977 1,000-plus members
1978 First annual Convention held at the Cumberland Hotel, London
1985 2,000-plus members
1992 OMRS Golden Jubilee
2002 OMRS Diamond Jubilee