
Welcome to the Wessex Branch of the OMRS. The Branch was reformed in September 2023.

The Branch holds meetings nine times a year, on the fourth Thursday in the months February to July and September to November. We meet at Antrobus House, 39 Salisbury Road, Amesbury, Wiltshire SP4 7HH. Meetings start at 7.30pm; tea / coffee and biscuits are available. There is a large car park adjacent to the building.

We try to combine each of the talks with Members’ ‘Show and Tell’ opportunities on related themes.

2025 Programme

Date Theme Talks / Events
27th February Long Service
27th March Maritime Members talk: “Q Ships”
24th April Wessex
22nd May Victorian Member’s Talk: ‘Leicesters in the 1st Afghan War’
26th June Medical Member’s Talk: ‘Indian Auxiliary Medical Service’
24th July Colonial Member’s Talk ‘Killed on Their Majesties Service’ Speaker: Christopher Mellor-Hill
25th September Ephemera Documents & Photos etc
23rd October Volunteers  Member’s Talk: ‘Sussex Regt Territorials’
27th November Open Annual General Meeting


In addition to the Branch meetings we hope to arrange a number of group visits during the year.

If you would like further information about the Wessex Branch then please contact James Kemp, Branch Secretary, email jhfk@mysteria.net