OMRS 2021 Virtual Convention

Convention Closing Ceremony 2021

We have been determined to have one element of Convention as close to normal as possible and that is the Closing Ceremony: the President’s speech, the award of Society Honours, the results of the Members’ Choice voting for the virtual exhibition and the announcement of the Journal Prizes.

As usual, this will take place at 4pm on Convention Saturday, which this year is Saturday 25th September.

The one departure from ‘normal’ is that it will be held on Zoom. Please use the link below to access the meeting:

Meeting ID: 857 9542 4428

Passcode: 830647

Virtual Presentations

Starting on 11th September and running for each of the three Convention weekends a pair of presentations will be released, one from an invited speaker and one from an OMRS member. The links to the presentations will be posted here each week:

Week 3 – 25th September – Click HERE to register and view the presentations

Presenters are David Erskine-Hill – The Lord Ashcroft Collection; and Brandon Deuville – Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry.

Week 2 – 18th September – Click HERE to register and view the presentations

Presenters are Nicola Nash – ‘The War Grave Detectives’; and Mike Atkinson – The Brave Cuirassier – Major François Clément Chipault dit Bézancourt.

Week 1 – 11th September – Click HERE to register and view the presentations

Presenters are Mark Smith – Stolen Valour – The Derbyshire Medal Fraud Case; and Paul Brewster – British South Africa Police Meritorious Service Medals 1914 – 1980.

Virtual Exhibition:

First let me thank and congratulate the nine Members who have taken the plunge and decided to exhibit this year. As we have come to expect, the range of interests of OMRS Members is vast and this year’s exhibition continues to bear this out.

As with last year’s exhibition, we have again decided not to award gold, silver and bronze medals, but to allow Members to vote online for three Member’s Choice awards: for the Best Exhibit; Best Use of Technology in presenting an exhibit; and Best Overall Exhibit (combined votes of the best exhibit and best use of technology)

All the exhibits can be found below and once you have viewed them, please use this link OMRS Exhibition Voting to cast your votes for the Best Exhibit and Best Use of Technology.


2021 Exhibits


21-01 – Charles Ameresekere – Air Vice Marshal Rohan Amerasekera DFC & Bar, the First Ceylonese to Command the Royal Ceylon Air Force

This exhibit takes the format of a website that you can find here:


21-02 – Charles Ameresekere – Ceylon Medal 1818, a Rare Medal Awarded for Bravery During the Rebellion in Ceylon in 1817-18

This exhibit takes the format of a website which you can view here:

PDF icon 21-3 Philip Evans – HMS Saracen.pdf

21-03 – Philip Evans – A Sailor, a Sub, and a Bridge

21-04 – Martin Heyes – Victoria Cross and George Cross Awards During the Japanese Occupation of Hong Kong, 1941-45

21-05 – James Kemp – Researching Metropolitan Police Jubilee & Coronation Medals

This exhibit takes the format of a website that you can find here:

21-06 – Philip Kerry – John Martin’s Copper Waterloo Medal

21-07 – Anthony Martin – Following in the Footsteps of Lions: The Battle of Alma 20th September 1854

21-08 – Owain Raw-Rees – An Arabian Tour – An Introduction to the Awards of the Arabian Peninsula

21-09 – Jon Toohey – British Wound Stripe –  Decoration or Distinction?