OMRS Virtual Convention 2022

Virtual Presentations

Starting on 10th September and running for the two weekends preceding Convention a presentation from an OMRS member will be released. The links to the presentations will be posted here each week.

We have two excellent talks this year:

Week 1 – 10th September

Dr David Biggins is a well-known authority on the Boer War and he will talk on the Siege of Wepener – Click HERE to access the talk

Week 2 – 17th September

Ryan Darby, one of our Australian Members, will talk on the tangled story of the History of the Distinguished Conduct Medal – Click HERE to access the talk.

Virtual Exhibition

It is quite clear that this year the exhibitors’ emphasis has been on returning to the physical exhibition and we will have a good set of entries to gather round and view at Convention. However, Jon Toohey, took the plunge and has entered a virtual exhibit. I would like to congratulate him firstly on taking the plunge and deciding to exhibit this year and second on taking first prize by default by being the only entrant!

The Lion, Britannia and Medals
Jon Toohey